MovieChat Forums > Lord of Light Discussion > Will this be based on the Zelazny novel?

Will this be based on the Zelazny novel?

That would be interesting. I'd check it out if it is.


Oh I hope so.


It is. The default view doesn't show this info and links to IMDbPro. Use the reference view instead.


If it is, I'm in! I loved it when it first was published, and I've re-read several times over the decades. What a film it would make, if done right.


Based on the link in the post above yours, it looks like it's a tv series that will be based on his novel, but the last status update was 2017, so I'm not certain it's still in the pipeline.


Maybe a mini-series would be best, as a lot happens in that novel. I just hope someone doesn't say, "It's such a great story! Now, let's 'improve' it." Peter Jackson did that with The Hobbit & gave us a load of bad fan fiction that all but buried the original story.
