Season 6 loose threads/ideas
1) Miyagi Fang still needs to fight in the Global Tournament spoken of in Episode 8 in Season 5
2) Will Johnny and Carmen's baby eventually run their own dojo in the far future? What kind of person will their baby be? Good or bad? Season 7 or 8 could feature a flash forward exploring their life.
3) Kreese said to Johnny that he should get Cobra Kai back. Will Johnny do that? Johnny needs money in order to pay for his baby. Johnny may not want to keep working his delivery jobs in order to pay for his baby.
4) Hawk said in the finale that Demetri needs to eventually fight Kyler all by himself.
5) Could Julie Pierce come back? Will she be good or bad? She may train Devon Lee.
6) Kreese's innocence will be revealed by Stringray to the police and Kreese is already out of prison. Kreese may not go back to prison. What is his plan?
7) Kim Da-eun is still at large and not arrested. She was not involved with bribing the referee. She could still maintain Cobra Kai as a dojo.
8) With his resources and connections, Terry Silver may not be in prison for that long. Also, he was the one who was attacked at his home? If anything, it should be Johnny and Chozen who are arrested. There could be a proper legal trial in Season 6 covering this issue.
9) We may not have seen the last of Hector Salazar.