Absolutely fantastic show. My only complaint is it leaves you feeling very conflicted
at times.
I don't mean Johnny being the main character either. Unless you're one of those dorks who can't let the internet joke (the original YouTube video) go, you can see he's still kind of a prick, but grows and is trying to become a better man. He's a deadbeat dad and a jerkoff, but grows and learns and begins to care about his students like Alisha and Miguel. Especially when Kreese comes in. You see that Johnny is not about what Kreese is teaching and will have none of it anymore. You can be a badass without being an asshole. Johnny gets it. He's trying to grow and improve his life. We even see that despite being a shitty father, his ex partially sabotaged his relationship with Robby.
That's not what I mean. It's a lot of other stuff. It's Miguel and Alisha being Johnny's students, Robby being villainized in the finale, and Daniel being made to look like the bad guy when he breaks into Johnny's place.
Miguel and Alisha were being bullied, so them learning self defense and learning how to stand up for themselves is something you do and want to cheer for. But they change and turn into assholes. Not as big of assholes as Hawk (hate that little prick), but in a pretty major way. Miguel starts shit with Robby at the lake party and technically started the brawl. Robby is trying to break up the fight between the girls and Miguel literally comes flying in and tackles Robby; turning it from a 1-on-1 into a brawl. Then fast-forward to the end of the fight and Miguel tries to put an end to the madness - because the brawl was ridiculously out of hand at that point - and Robby naturally fights back because they'd been fighting for like 10 minutes.
Robby didn't mean to try and break Miguel's neck, but he's suddenly the most awful kid in town. Robby had turned his life around and was a legit good kid who was ATTACKED for trying to break up a fight. This is AFTER he hears Sam cheated on him and he still cared enough to try and save her. But Sam, Daniel (when he fought Johnny at Johnny's place), and pretty much everyone turn their back on Robby because of what inadvertently happened to Miguel; who started it. Miguel starts out the asshole, legitimately does the right thing for a tenth of a second, but I'm supposed to feel bad for him and hate Robby because of how it ended? It's a weird and unsatisfying feeling. This was a bizarre writing decision. All the characters hate Robby now and I don't feel that way at all.
Then there's the whole Sam getting trashed thing and Daniel rightfully being worried about his kid. Robby tries to take the heat, Johnny doesn't just outright tell Daniel what happened gets pissed when Daniel breaks in. Daniel has no idea why his kid is missing at this point and finds out she's passed out in his rival's apartment. It's awesome that the two of them are finally having their rematch, but Johnny is acting like Daniel is being unreasonable when Daniel has no idea why his kid is missing. Instead of just explaining the situation, Johnny just slams the door in his face. That was a pretty crappy writing decision.
The finale was tremendously entertaining at times too, but also borderline goofy. Tory doing what she did was psychotic, but it starts out ok. Doing what she did over the PA system was bold and unbelievable, but not completely over the top. It was a little over the top, but fun and entertaining. The fight starts off fine (for a fake over the top fight) but by the time the fight is reaching it's climax, she's actually trying to kill Sam. I'm not saying no human has never tried to kill one another over a love triangle or jealousy, but this show is essentially like an ABC Family show. It's not THAT deep. Plus, after the whole brawl throughout the school, it was waaaaaaaaay too much.
But the brawl itself was fun. Or started out that way. I mean, I'm watching it and thinking, "Wow, this is ridiculous...but fun....but ridiculous." It went back and forth. It was like a Power Rangers episode (the fighting style, I mean). It was over the top, but fun. Then became a cartroon. I went back and forth on it. It started fun, was fun several times throughout, but also really ridiculous at times. It was very conflicting.