MovieChat Forums > Cobra Kai (2018) Discussion > I think I finished season 2

I think I finished season 2

Just watched a ton of clips of season 2 on youtube. No need to subscribe to the youtube channel. Early observations is season 3 is gonna stink. Who wants to see Daniel and Johnny join forces? They are enemies. Might as well cancel this entire series. Thats better than ruining it by combining these 2 as friends


Season 2 was a lot of fun and no way the show is being cancelled before a 3rd season. After season 2 the are a lot of people who would like to see Daniel and Johnny join forces but we're still a ways away from that happening.


It seems all too obvious that Daniel and Johnny will team up to take out Kreese. I rather see Daniel and Johnny continue to go at it. So would most fans. I hope the writers are seeing this


I'm sure they will eventually but there not there yet and won't be until well into the next season. Not sure how many more seasons they have left but I'd be happy with one final season, two at the most.
