Good movie, stupid Cover art

I watched it last night and it was good. The fights were awesome but what stood out was the story. Superman/Clark immediately felt like a flashed out character and not just an emotion. The other characters were good as well. Why cant the DCEU make movies like this?


After what they did to The Killing Joke they've got a lot to make up for with me Nate.


I have erased the Killing Joke from my mind a long time ago. This one is good though, and very entertaining.


I might have a look at it then Nate, thanks for the recommendation!


Fight scenes were awesome but the story was retarded as heck or rather the people of Metropolis. How many times these dumb heroes keep saving the bad guys so they can kill more people only to do the same thing over and over? Only one losing is the innocent civilians. When big battles happen the amount of damage and civilian casualty they don't show must be insurmountable. That kid going for his portable game console when the whole shit was going down pissed me off as well. God this show was badly written.

Easiest way for Superman to handle these omega level types strong foes should be hitting them up in space to do battle there or to the moon. Clearly Doomsday couldn't fly from the battles encountered in a short time but they still kept the fight on Earth so more people could run and die. Civies so dumb they run towards the danger to take narcissistic selfies and videos to upload online but instead put their lives on the line and more work for the heroes which could endanger them since they have to divert attention constantly.

The whole of Metropolis is like full retard that can't tell Clark Kent from Superman just by the putting on glasses difference.


"Clearly Doomsday couldn't fly from the battles encountered in a short time but they still kept the fight on Earth so more people could run and die."

Don't wanna spoil the book for you, if you intend to read it, but this is one of the plot points that was dealt with better in the comic.

"That kid going for his portable game console when the whole shit was going down pissed me off as well. God this show was badly written."

You're confusing "badly written" with stupid behavior. If you think people don't do things MUCH dumber than this, in situations as dire or worse, then you haven't (thankfully) seen much. And you've Definitely never been a first responder.

It's a common complaint from people who just don't know better.

"The whole of Metropolis is like full retard that can't tell Clark Kent from Superman just by the putting on glasses difference."

I wish the countless IMDB threads were still around. . .there were endless arguments about how illogical/silly this conceit is, and they were often absurdly hilarious. There's really no defense for it, but the logical contortions people went through to justify it were endlessly entertaining.


Yeah, there's lots of stupid behavior in real life. So maybe real life is badly written.
