MovieChat Forums > Unsane (2018) Discussion > Can We Please Finally Stab This Horror C...

Can We Please Finally Stab This Horror Cliché to Death?

I liked this movie up until the end when it unravelled into a montage of every thriller cliché, topped by ...

*************** SPOILER ****************

Our hero pulls the shiv out and stabs the villain in the neck.


Just enough to annoy him.

And then runs away.

How many more times do we have to be put through this just so the studio can have another idiotic “double climax”?

From now on, here’s the rule:

When the hero finally gets the chance to use the knife or sharp object or large rock or gun on our villain, she (he) is to stab, bonk, or shoot him (her) AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN IN HIS NECK, CHEST, FACE OR ABDOMEN. AND THEN SOME MORE TIMES JUST TO BE SURE.


