I wonder what went wrong: a review ("This is not the 1984 you are looking for") Part 5
I digress here just a bit....Maybe Patty Jenkins wondered what it would be like to insert her own "pièce de résistance" in this movie. A version of the "Potemkin stairs" 1925 film scene in her own movie... You remember the imagery...innocent child in a carriage in harm's way that needs to be saved...a massacre that can be avoided...A striking image, an allegory, a piece of cinema history? Yes, all of that and more (I'm still talking about the Odessa steps scene). Yes...this WW 1984 scene will take its rightful place in the history of cinema in its evocation of the old classic film! Alas, the ridiculousness of the fact that 1) the children would be busily playing soccer on a busy highway, 2) would be unaware and not hear the rumbling vehicles, 3) would not get out of the way themselves, 4) the adults clearly pictured on the side of the road not screaming at the children to get out of the way (which is what you would expect normal adults to do in real life), made me realize as Will Ferrell once said on SNL defeatingly: "And the show has reached a new low". This scene insulted not just my intelligence but of anyone who saw it and honestly believed it could occur in real life. Its as if one of the screenwriters digging in their own hazy suburban childhood memory remembered a fragment of some past neighborhood event playing basketball or football in the front yard, watching their parent's horrified reaction to a ball rolling into the street thereby mindlessly luring their precious child into oncoming traffic, and decided to insert this scene in the middle of an Egyptian dirt-road firefight car chase. You can almost here someone yelling..."Nooo!" What creativity, what bravado of imagination, what vision, what a stroke of genius! Honestly, watching it was surreal. I had to question whether what I was seeing was intended for the viewer! Noone in the writing room saw a problem with this scene?
But wait there is more! After WW saves the boy and the girl playing in the road (unclear whether these were the same children playing soccer or substitutes with clean, freshly pressed clothes...do Hollywood extras' need "body-doubles"?), she tells them "Its our secret". What? Her superpowers that not only the military goons, the adults on the side of the road and just about everyone in the vicinity just witnessed? Or the fact that the Jewish Gadot saves the Egyptian and presumably Muslim children? (Islam is the dominant religion (90%) of Egypt). Is this an Easter Egg? A secret message? Did WW just usher in peace in the Middle East? Is a Jewish woman saving a Muslim child an act of grace and an olive branch? We will never know! The important thing is that the motorcade had been defeated, the children saved, noone died, and we witnessed an ACTION-PACKED 5-minute chase at 30mph! Just what I expected out of my 80's action movie! Boo yeah! Oh yeah, and we checked the "Make love, not war" classic 80's slogan checkbox! Oh ...one more subliminal message..."Nukes are bad and they will destroy the world"! This is exquisitely illustrated in the principle of mutual assured destruction doctrine which is supposed to prevent nuclear war...except not in this movie. Apparently the filmmakers turned this "principle of deterrence" into a "principle of ultimate destruction"! But who cares! Most of the audience watching this movie probably hasn't studied their history, are not picky about historical accuracy, and are allergic to logic and rational thinking. Remember...Lots of Nukes=Bad, End of lesson! Its amazing how simple it is to work in Hollywood with your feet up on your desk and to throw out ideas which nobody questions, that make it into the final cut of a movie. Our job is done here! Allright...up top!
I can go on eviscerating this debacle, but my reader has grown weary, so I will do what unfortunately this movie did not do to its audience....show mercy. For I am gracious and forgiving (just like our superhero). I will bestow my reader with a few nuggets of gold in this pile of....err....so here are the saving grace parts of why this is not one of the worst movies ever (only the worst superhero movie ever). The actors did their part.