MovieChat Forums > Wonder Woman 1984 (2020) Discussion > same attempt to sabotage as the first?

same attempt to sabotage as the first?

Anyone remember when that girl who worked for collider video said she heard reports the first one was a big mess? They are known massive Disney shills and when it finally came out and it wasn't a mess she got slammed?

seems like round two of that is happening even though reports by those that have seen it have been positive


I would wait for audience reactions, not some "critics" ...


True I only trust it when both views align. after critics gave ghostbusters 2016 a higher score than other actual quality movies I lost all faith


Audience ratings that can be easily manipulated by 4chan incels? Lol, you sucker.


I rather trust those manipulated by 4chan than the ones manipulated by the woke media/critics.

As the predecessor said: which ratting would you consider closer to reality for the woke Ghostbusters? The critics 74 or the audience 50??? Although in my opinion even 50 is kinda high ...

I guess you are the sucker on this one ;)


>I know you are but what am I?


I wouldn't say the first one was a mess, but it wasn't great and definitely didn't earn its box office on the merit of the filmmaking.


still made a billion which is quite a feat these days...


I remember that. It was satisfying to see she was full of shit.


yaa she was on collider so not sure if it was them trying to out shill each other of her own volition for marvel or if she was told to do it. who knows


2 thirds of the first movie was average and last third act was very poor, so overall the first was a below average movie.

Majority of sequels are usually worse then the original.


you re welcome to your opinion. but it got decent ratings from critics and fans and good box every metric it was a success and well received. but sure


its definitely is my opinion, so what other people think is upto them to decide for themselves but in same way critics or fans or box office are of no consequence, a movie could be terrible and still have all 3 enjoy it.

I measure what i like and the first wonder woman in my eyes could have been alot better and looking at the trailer for the second its not looking good to me.
