MovieChat Forums > Deep Blue Sea 2 (2018) Discussion > Why not build off of your previous movie...

Why not build off of your previous movie...

...instead of remaking it? The original film had its moments, and a surprisingly decent soundtrack to keep viewers engaged. Here's the trailer anyways:


Agreed. It looks more like a reboot than a sequel.


It looks like a really bad Direct to sci fi channel movie, the horrible CGI in that trailer looks worse than the CGI from the first movie and that was way back in 1999 lol! They couldn't at least get Thomas Jane back for this? Terrible.


The film overall isn't even half the movie that the first one is, but to give credit where it's due I did feel like the effects were better in this one than the first.

I feel like you may be looking back at the first one with nostalgia glasses because a lot of the CGI in that film was INCREDIBLY weak.


DBS is a film that was so cool and awesome when I was about 12. I watch it now and it is laughably bad. This sequel will maybe be the same. Most people who say it is an incredible film is definitely looking at it through nostalgia glasses. It is really poorly made. I do like LL Cool J and SLJ in it though.


I actually just rewatched Deep Blue Sea a couple of months ago. Got it in a combo pack with The Long Kiss Goodnight and Snakes on a Plane and thought I would revisit it.

I think it's still a fun action movie (perhaps action-horror is the best descriptor) and enjoyed watching it, but there's no doubt that the effects have aged quite badly.

Overall I'd give the first film a 7/10. Nothing that's going to rock your world, but if you enjoy action B-movies then you'll probably like DBS.

As for the sequel, well, I saw it last night and like I said in my earlier post it's not even half the movie that the first one is.

I went into it totally ready and willing to give it a fair chance, but it just is not very good.

Characters do things that don't make sense, the dialogue is often unnatural, and scenes that should be suspenseful just aren't. Not only that, but I at least expected the baddie to be one or more giant sharks, but for most of the movie that isn't the case. Instead it's baby sharks terrorizing people piranha-style, which just didn't work for me.

I'd give it a 4/10.


That's kind of true.

The events of the first film are not referenced at all and the concept of intelligent sharks is introduced as if it is new.

Not sure why they chose to do it that way, but frankly, the movie is not good enough to spend much time wondering about it.


Same goes for the first one πŸ˜‚


Well as I told you a couple of days ago, I liked the first one. Would give it a 7/10.


Just a reminder of how much more polished and sophisticated the original was...

Original trailer...

Incredible cast... Great plot and story... Complex themes that don't get in the way of fun, rather enhance it... and above all... the best kills! The suspense! It's thrilling...

Here's a teaser of what a proper shark film feels like...

No way I'd watch such a poor remake of such a fun movie...


The first one was just okay. It's a decent shark movie, but nothing special. Why wait nineteen years to make a sequel to a film that wasn't all that great in the first place?


yeah.., and a lesser sequel at that...


I haven't seen it, so can't comment, but the original is only about a 5/10 in my opinion, so the sequel can't be much worse :'D


haha..... check out the trailer.... it looks like it was shot on my nephew's dSLR and really bad cgi and acting... 😁

The original had a great cast and looked like a movie... it was fun! πŸ˜‰

The [spoiler]Samuel L Jackson kill is worth one point on it's own[/spoiler]


The CGI in the original is hilariously bad. Especially during that death scene. It was made in 1999, so I suppose it can be forgiven.
