The tagline vs the movie

"The demonic case tha shocked America."

I finally watched it and the tagline and a few T.V. spots leading up to it gave me an "Emily Rose" vibe of it being a court case interspersed with demonic doings. But I think it only showed the courtroom twice when Arne's lawyer said he was pleading not guilty and then then finale. Is it just me or did the marketing seem a little off?


You're not alone. I've read that quite a few people expected the court proceedings to feature more heavily.


Okay, definitely not alone then. Not that it mattered to me either way, but I thought the courts would be a major part of it, and it was like two minutes total lol


I was disappointed about this.


The first thing that came to mind. What demonic case that shocked america? Never heard of it, so I guess none.


Your last two sentences should have been the tagline instead!
