Random image of "Krystalnacht" informs the "White Night"?
Did I remember this wrongly?
Somewhere on one of the pages of the Watchmen comic there is a billboard advertising a band called Krystalnacht that was to appear at some theater. I don't think there was any context implied or to be applied to the story but it felt strange that particular name was used for a performing group. I think Rorschach is walking down the street in Manhattan and it is overhead.
I still believe that the whole rise of the 7th Kalvary and the White Night attack are false narratives orchestrated through a larger conspiracy. It is just too simple to be of much meaning to the series. I can accept that the Klan garb belongs to Judd's father and that he might have been the Klan member (the only member of the Klan's whose face was shown) that Angela's great grandmother saw but did not kill the day of the Tulsa Riot.
Judd could have served in Vietnam which is where he might have met Angela as a child?
There is also a vigilante who is a detective and calls himself "Red Scare" who is a communist and NOT a Nazi but who just happens to be actually committing acts of violence on a put upon community? In this world being openly a Communist isn't a bad thing?