I really wanted to love this movie, but it just didn’t deliver for me.
Just saw it...
There are definitely some good aspects, but ultimately it’s like salvaging around in a junkyard. I could pick out a great 10 minutes, and have a very fine short film. Not worth the drek through the other 110 though. That was fucking laborious.
And I don’t mean slow - I love slow. This was poorly paced, and lazily written. Bad combination. Overall it felt like a music video or TV commercial director, trying to be a feature film director. All style, and no substance.
The good: The cinematography, & the score. That’s it. The look of the film is great, & interesting. The original synth score was well-made, if overbearing at times, used quite often in place of any real storytelling or pacing.
I would put Cage in the good column; but he’s not in it enough, and doesn’t have much to work with. What he is given, he makes the most of.
It’s hallucinogenic, but tediously so after a while, because most of the elements are weak. Cage is great, but all of the other characters are all really hacky, and the film spends a ton of time away from him, & with all of them. The plot acts like it's going to be bigger than it is at first, but then quickly just boils down to a simple series of cliches, & ends up being 100% predictable from beginning to end. Which takes seemingly forever.
The action is cheesy, and only takes up a short portion of the film; both people looking for a hard-hitting psycho thriller, and people just looking for a fun action ride, will likely both be disappointed. This film is neither, it is just kind of a shiny but shallow thing, that takes way too long, to do not much. An experiment that sounded great on paper, but ended up mostly failing in my opinion. 5.8/10