this will suck
The question is, will it suck more than the other 2 films combined together or less?
shareThe question is, will it suck more than the other 2 films combined together or less?
shareLOL it is like the film makers say "we don't care how much you hate it, we don't care how few of you see it, we don't care how much money we loss. We will keep producing nothing but sequels, prequels and reboots for series that you never asked for until your freaking souls die and we consume the essence of your once living spirit". Movies are very depressing now a days. I don't remember feeling like this in the 80's or 90's. Tell me am i just looking back with rose colored glasses or has cinema really taken that much of a dive in the last 15 years? Combined with all the wacky scandals now, there is nothing good coming from the entertainment arts. shame, was once a great entertainment media.
shareTo be fair, things have changed a lot since then.
Many people are dumping cable and movie theaters - and opt for streaming/downloading tv/movies these days.
To get people in the movie theaters, studios are now focusing primarily on sfx - so that people would want to see their films in theaters. I still don't get why they can't put an equal emphasis on writing. In the olden days, writing was seen as being nearly as important - right now it's all about sfx.
The bigger problem is - those sfx-filled films with horrible writing make a LOT of money - so there's no particular incentive for studios to change their new formula. Another problem is - and that in some ways relates to the scandals - studios are favoring old stars over new ones. Scott hasn't had a decent film in many years and yet, rather than give Neill Blomkamp a chance at resurrecting this series, they got Scott in - despite his pretty crappy track-record as of late.
I feel like Neill Blomkamp is being screwed the most by the studios - as of now, he's got no project in the pipeline - what a huge waste of an upper-coming talent.
It all speaks of fear - studios are now seriously afraid to explore new ideas, give new talent a chance - we are seeing reboots and remakes all over the place - or in case of aliens, keeping oldies at the helm even when it's clear they've lost their edge. But it also speaks of the current audience's declining intelligence. It's OK to see sfx-filled movie with an overly simplistic storyline - but when you give this film 9 or 10 out of 10, and you are not in your early teens, it does say a lot about your intelligence, especially if you rate the next film made using the same formula just as high.
Oh - I found a little gem.
In 2007, Scott was complaining that films were getting dumb -
7 years later, he started making films which featured script/writing which was even dumber than the films he was complaining about.
The fear is palpable and it's everywhere, even in comics. Characters have kept the same costumes for almost 30 years now even though they've cancelled and rebooted books two times now and yet DC can't change anything lookwise.
shareYeah it is quite amazing, the medium for telling a story on TV in the last 20 years has really changed the demands of a movie experience. A show has usually 10 hours per season and multiple season to tell a story. A movie at 2 hours length will never compete with that. Studios know they can't compete in the manner of telling story that is that compelling and can hold the audience that long so instead they go for big budget spectacles and care very little for the story. in addition to that they use franchises that already have a guaranteed fan base. This leads to the extreme low quality stories we see today.
Also I agree that the modern audiences are less intelligent, to the degree they seem less and less concerned with being challenged or thinking critically. Not that they are dumber or less knowledgeable but at least in their desired entertainment do not want to be challenged to think very much.
The thing is, they don't lose any money. The only way to fight this is not to see it. I made the mistake of watching Prometheus at the cinema, one of the worst films I've ever seen, and I vowed never to give Scott any more money for as long as I live. I saw Covenant online from those recorded films and it was awful. I did my part not supporting it.
shareYeah i did not see Covenant and will not see any sequels. Prometheus came out before I realized what the studios are doing now a days. I liked kingsman so I saw that in theaters. I think the planet of the apes reboots were pretty good and I am torn about whether I want to see Thor. I am burned out of comic book movies. I just rented Spider man homcoming and did not like it. So I have very little enthusiasm for movies or video games now a days. I am more excited about finishing my degree and reading lately.
sharewhat is your theory about what studios are doing now?
sharemaking movies that are as appealing to the largest majority of the audience as possible to maximize the number of people that will pay to see and attempt to alienate as few as possible. Problem with that is making entertainment designed to be as non divisive as possible means you are making entertainment that is inherently simplified and non challenging to view. This means no complex character with depth or intelligence that might challenge a viewer, no plots with subtlety and definitely no themes that might challenge the current status quo. there is a reason for the phrase "the dumb masses" and that is who the studios are making movies for now. there is no precedence for telling a story or being a creator or artist. It is all about the corporate bottom line that is focused on nothing more than getting as many people into the theater.
shareThat is just half of the problem because in the golden age of hollywood they were even more restrictions that truly talented artists worked around and made masterpieces. So called talent today is worthless, so it's dumb across the board, from audiences to artists.
shareA vacuum is a vacuum regardless of size.
It'll suck just as much as the last two (If it ever gets made!).