Oh Look....

Jennifer Garner in another kick ass “Kill Bill” female assassin type of role. How novel. It’s clear she must be growing tired of it, because she half assed it this time around.

Maybe she should have wore a red outfit but those days are gone.


This is the type of movie "No Country for Old Men" puts to shame because as opposed to the Coen Bros. movie, this one sells the bullshit fantasy that you can avenge the death of someone once you engage with the criminal world. Truth is, you become part of it or a victim of it. No amount of fantasy kickass/martial arts/ammunition would have taken Garner's character 1/3rd into her revenge activities.


I enjoyed it, and I didn't really see it as a Kill Bill type of role. Yes, she's a woman and she's an assassin, but this is basically a Death Wish clone with a female in the lead.

Is it derivative? Absolutely. But I also thought it was a pretty well-made derivation and a fun movie. I'd even call it underrated.


