
The lighting was terribly dark. An old trick used to hide the aging of actors. It didn't work. Just look at all the wrinkled necks of the parents and the crows feet on their kids. Should have just gone with it. Middle aged, working people age much quicker then the affluent.
The trans-gender boy at age nine being shoved down our throats is going to kill this show. It should have been approached much more subtly.
They were trying to explain too much, too fast.
The Becky character was the most interesting in this. And the very talented Metcalf, as usual, was totally wasted and given nothing.
I would also like to know just what income they are living on. That was the mortar of the original series.


I would also like to know just what income they are living on. That was the mortar of the original series.

Dan did tell Mark that it was drywall on his fingernails not nail polish, so I assume he still works in drywall even though he was no longer doing that in the later seasons of Roseanne. He had a job working for the city.


I don't understand why they try to hide evidence of aging. For Pete's sake, everyone ages...unless they die young.


I liked the Mark character. I don't think it will kill the show, if anything kills it, it will be the politics of Trump.


Trump is not on the show, and it's not about 'his' politics.


Roseanne being a Trump backer then.


Shoot, Roseanne isn't just a Trump backer, she's a full-fledged Pizzagate believer...she's pretty hardcore into her rightwing stuff, which, at first I was thinking could really validate some of my more hardcore Trump supporting family members.

But the thing about the right, how it has a hard time being based in reality, rather than fear-mongering BS? I could see a future where Roseanne brings up some stuff that ends up being used against itself. I mean, she's loud, brash...I could see things coming out of that show that will ultimately expose some flaws of that mindset...although that wouldn't be her intent of course.

If the show goes that far, it could be interesting to see if it crosses any line wherein some notions could be easily discredited, but seeing as how Trump has told plenty of outright lies and nothing seems to ever come of it, its likely just wishful thinking at best =P



Haha is that what you got? Names?
Yeah that sounds about right.


Everyday the libtard psychopath army grows. Be scared trump voters.
