Very fun popcorn movie...

Just saw and it had the right amounts of ridicolous action, comedy and even some heart (loved the going back home theme)

The cameos were also funny and Vanessa Kirby is absolutley gorgeous plus she kicks major ass.

Solid 8/10


Speaking of popcorn...there's going to be a ton sold this weekend to families and couples as moviegoers try to beat the summer heat and rally around this unstoppable franchise. Exhibitors should be VERY happy.

Only one other group is smiling even bigger(and more slyly) than theater operators and concessioners...and that would be Universal execs of course! LOL


Cool. So the movie they don't make much anymore outside of Marvel then? Sweet.


Agreed. Surprised about a few cameo appearances. Despite being over two hours, the pacing was solid and the action is spectacular. It's still amusing that Shaw is a part of the lineup now despite being Han's killer. But it's undeniable that he and Johnson have better chemistry together than either with Kirby who did kick ass in the action department.
