MovieChat Forums > I Feel Pretty (2018) Discussion > The REAL message should have been...

The REAL message should have been...

... "All women are beautiful on the inside and out. So, ladies, stop spending your precious money on cosmetics to try and enhance your physical appearance. You are perfect as you are."

I used to wear a lot of makeup in my early 20s. I'm now 31, and I do not use even a smidgen of makeup to accentuate/ enhance any part of my face. And, I'm 100 pounds overweight. I was slimmer when I was younger.

I'll give you God's honest truth, ladies: we are ALL beautiful in the eyes of God. I have noticed NO CHANGE in how people treat me, now that I am very overweight and go without jewelry, makeup, or fancy clothes. NO CHANGE, ladies! It doesn't matter what you look like. If you have a beautiful spirit, it will shine through any "perceived" ugliness. YOU ARE NOT UGLY! It's all in your head! Wake up to how beautiful and precious you are.


I agree with not letting physical appearance definitely dictate who you are, but being overweight is unhealthy, sets a bad example for others, and affects friends and families too. For the record, I've spent a great deal of my life very obese, but I couldn't ignore the negative impact it had on myself and my family.


@ Burk48917

Yes, being overweight is definitely unhealthy! I struggle with hypothyroidism, and the weight is hard to get off. I also suffer from mild lower back pain.

But, the point I was trying to make with my post is that people don't judge you because of the way you look. No one notices my weight when they see me. It's the energy/ vibe that I give off that determines how my relations with others will turn out. If I think negatively of myself, that will be reflected by others in my reality. If I carry myself with confidence, then others will treat me with the same respect that I show for myself.

I may have not used the best examples to make my point, but I hope I clarified it for you.

Also, I'm currently married and my husband has no issue with my weight gain. (He is of an athletic build.) As for makeup, he would always give me a strong look of disapproval whenever I used to wear it. So, one day, I just stopped, much to my husband's relief.

I enjoyed watching "I Feel Pretty", but I think that a stronger message would have involved telling women that there's no need for make-up at all. But, the beauty industry being as big as it is, I don't think it's realistic of me to expect that sort of message from them. A shame, really... In my 20s, a huge chunk of my money would go towards the purchase of cosmetics. Well, ultimately the mask will come off and the people who truly matter will see you without it. So, it's useless to try to maintain a facade on a day-to-day basis.

Obesity is no fun. I can fully relate. But, God doesn't look at our bodies with judgment. And neither should we. I'm 210 pounds, but have never felt as secure in my skin as I feel now. I didn't have this confidence when I was 20 and 90 pounds... It's all mind over matter. The less the way you look governs how you feel, the better your self-concept will be.


Yes, God loves us all, regardless of looks.


1. He wants us to be good stewards of whatever He's given us, including our bodies. Living unhealthfully in effect wastes one of God's gifts to us. No one's perfect, but I do my best to care well for ALL His gifts to me. The dividends have been wonderful.

2. God is not available for dating. One is prudent to observe the taste of the likely (pick a gender) that one wishes to attract. In some cultures, being heavy is seen as attractive. In the US, not so much. There are exceptions, but do you want to appeal only to the exceptions?


100 lbs overweight?
ever heard diet soda?
