I see the IMDb boards are back in full force.
You know what I'm sayin'
On IMDb (and now here) The boards of actors who aren't considered traditionally perfect and beautiful got/get bashed horrendously. I am sure there are some people who actually saw and hate this movie. But I highly doubt ALL the people who are on here actually watched it. I mean why would they when they clearly hate her?
It is just sad to me that people are so cruel. I would say they must all be in Middle School because what adult behaves that way? But unfortunately it's not that. All ages can be horrible.
I know what you are saying but I feel little sympathy for actors who make combative statements. If you dish it out then you must prepare to take it.
shareWouldn't that eliminate almost all of Hollywood though?
shareNot eliminate. Include. Yeah, they don't get a pass. Better have thick skin if you want to tussle.
shareWell I agree with you there. That is true.
One other thing though sometimes they aren't asses. Like Melissa McCarthy. She gets bashed a lot and it's just because she is, "Fat and not funny because traditionally women comedians aren't funny" and other ridiculous comments like that.
I don't think my OP meant people who deserve it. I honestly didn't know Amy was a dick.
Aye. McCarthy gets unfairly roasted. Talent wise, she is 50/50 with me. I love some of her movies and then some are zeros. But the "fat" attacks are low brow. I don't mind the wild west nature of old IMDB. In fact I like that people are free to reveal themselves. BUT ... if people are going to get nasty then I at least want a more clever approach to the invective than "ummm, she's fat!"
I don't understand the whole "women are not funny" thing. Obviously not true.
True. Even though I made the negative comment about the trolls I do really miss IMDb. I am glad to be having discussions on here. For awhile nobody was around. I try to go on Reditt but either the comments are closed or the voting thing feels like a popularity contest.
It's kinda sad seeing how a great percentage of the activity in MovieChat is wasted in meaningless arguments in the Trump board.
But then again, it's the same pattern that happened in IMDb in the Politics board.
The problem with Amy Schumer is she isn't a good actress or funny or even halfway intelligent. Her political idiocy only adds to how pathetic her performance is.