
The skits are brutally unfunny, over-produced & under-talented. The movie riffs are cluttered, forced, relentless, and all three of the voices sound the same.

Also, Crow & Servo are so distinct & have such strong individual personalities & flavors, it was a very bad idea to try and replace them, should have just made up two new robots.

Not that it would have mattered much, since the comedy is gone.

And holy shit, new guy is not even in the same universe of likeability & coolness of Joel.

Glad I did not contribute to this bait & switch when they were fundraising.

No offense to anyone enjoying it, more power to you, but I am going to stick to watching the many old far superior episodes.


It's hard to say where this show goes wrong and right for that matter. If you look up the new season on Google, all the reviews are over hyped and positive. However, they gloss over a lot of things.

I'll say this. Joel is better off in front of the camara and being directed, not directing. He injects to much homely advice into the show. Let these guys loose and riff. I think that is where Mike, Kevin and Bill did a better job. I can't imagine what the show would be like if Joel stayed on after he stepped down as host. Joel is certainly very talented, but in front of the camara. anyone who's watched the yahoo show Other Space may agree with this. He was fantastic in that show, again he was in front of the camara being directed. Add to that he was working with Trace (as ART the robot). This is why it would be nice to bring Mike Nelson in and let him do some writing and direction for the show. As well as Kevin


I agree about the voices being a little too similar. I sometimes feels like it's just one guy commenting.

Then there's the fact that it feels a little too rehearsed. I watched a clip of Space Mutiny and the first thing I noticed was that the guys laugh when one of them says something genuinely funny. That adds to the sense of them ad libbing there and then rather than reading a crafted script. They've clearly heard the riff a million times already but they react to it more naturally like it's the first time they've heard it.

I think the new show can get better and has potential (was impressed with The Time Travelers) so I'm gonna stick with it.


Agree painbow. This is why Joe Needs to step back and stop directing /producing the show. He makes them become part of the movie, rather than take some high and Low pot shots at it. Like what you said, Mike and crew would not only riff, AND put themselves in the film, they'd take some nasty low down pot shots at the films. Such as laughing at it. Makes it more genuine like you mentioned.

If you look at these films in the Mike era, you'll clearly see what I am talking about:
Space Mutiny (as mentioned) - the beefcake jokes...
The Final Sacrifice - Ripped Canada a new one. And just tore apart the poor little bugger... "fooooood!"
Final Justice - After Joe Don Baker threatened physical violence toward the mst3k crew over Mitchell, what does Mike Nelson and company do? They riffed him again!
Werewolf and Soul Taker - Joe Estevez didn't stand a chance.

Where as with Joe directing/producing the new season, its to lovey dovy... take the God damn gloves off and rip these movies and actors a new one!
