Too sanitized to be taken seriously. I just didn't believe any of it. Should have had more of The Florida Project look to it. I grew up surrounded by many poor people and none of this seemed familiar. I knew nothing about it before and while watching, I felt no connection to these people and finally turned it off. Terrible movie.
Every so often there's this kind of movie released by Hollywood-or in this case Netflix. It makes an observation about poverty and family dysfunction that's shallow and condescending. But hey we made Amy Adams look like white trash, so give us an Oscar for it!
"I grew up surrounded by many poor people and none of this seemed familiar."
I grew up surrounded by lots of Poor White Trash as well and I saw lots of broken homes, substance abuse and abusive family dynamics. I also saw a lot of people being raised by grand parents.
I saw lots of juveniles who did stupid petty criminal shit.
Yes Hill Billy Elegy is a lousy movie but how it portrayed poor white trash was spot on.
I don't agree. None of the people seemed relatable. Too preachy and too sanitized to be taken seriously. The Florida Project was spot on, while this movie was Hollywood's attempt to understand the plight of the poor.