"Shows of a higher standard". Yes, because that's what this was. High brow art, right? What with all of its HBO-esque needless lesbian sex scenes, and constant f-bombs for no other reason than they could, or the peppering or needlessly grotesque moments just because they can be done (for shock value and nothing else).
Also, the shows like what you mention, or say Game of Thrones, or The Walking Dead, etc., their bread and butter is the fact that SOME people (obviously enough), like watching train-wrecks. They like all of the needless drama, and everyone being a sh**hole, etc. There obviously is a big enough audience who simply likes to watch awful people, being awful to other people.
Lastly, just because YOU have a certain opinion or take on something, doesn't mean someone else's opinion is invalid. It doesn't give you the right to crap on their opinion, or talk down to them, just because you disagree. That is childish BS at its best. If someone would like the characters they're investing in, to be more "likeable", that's their prerogative, just as much as it is their right to express that, on a forum like this, for expressing such things. I didn't find these characters to be "more complex and real", because they (specifically Steve, Shirley and Theodora) were each in their own way pompous, selfish jerkwads. Their lives have been hard, childhood filled with nightmarish tragedy. I get it. But that doesn't mean I like them, and frankly, I didn't have much empathy for those three at all, because they grew up to be sh*tty people.
Luke, while frustrating, was understandable. Poor Nell, was the only TRULY likeable one of the five kids.