Mystical Italian fable

A haunting Italian fable / folk tale about a naive, simple young man with nothing but goodness running through his veins, and difficult to review without spoilers.

The film is beautifully shot on 16mm film and there are some wonderful images of rural Italy, especially the drone shots that double up as a helicopter. The casting in this film is impeccable, with the family of all ages played very well by actors that almost appear like accidental extras at some points.

The movie centres around a poor family working on a plantation in a time that isn't easy to put a stamp on, until a character with a mobile phone enters the picture. But this is purposefully done by Director Alice Rohrwacher - as time is a theme central to the film. There is a huge shift towards the middle of the film, which is best left unspoilt, and throughout, our naive, angel-like lead Lazarro seems at one with nature. There's a particular theme showing Lazarro as a wolf howling at the moon (and even one of the characters names literally translates as 'of the moon'. The symbolism, religious and otherwise is heavy. Biblical references are also heavily present, and the plot is almost a re-telling of one of the more famous religious stories.

There is a large dose of "magical realism" involved, and the subtext seems to hint that there are some good people are out there, but if something looks too good to be true - it probably is. Part social critique, part mystical tale telling. It also has something to say on capitalism and how economies shape people. It does end on a happy note, but it goes through some journey to get there.



Yes, this is a strange, sweet and beguiling film, and beautifully shot. Did you really see the ending as 'happy'? It's a few months since I saw it but I'm not sure about that.


Yes, the ending in my opinion shows there is light at the end of the tunnel - the wolf leaves Lazarro and will strive to make goodness in another community. Lazarro is the embodiment of Lazarus from the bible and St. Francis of Assisi - who as legend has it, persuaded a wolf to stop menancing the livestock of a community in return for being fed. Lazarro tried and tried to be a servant to the da Luna family (da luna translates as moon) in an effort to make them good people. It is naive but Lazarro knows no different. He failed in this respect and the last shot shows the wolf moving on in true Littlest Hobo style for pastures new.


Yes, it came back to me when you explained it... the wolf is certainly a hopeful symbol. I felt awful for Lazzaro, though. Certainly one of the most appealing characters in recent cinema.

I got the (fairly obvious) Lazarus reference but was not aware of the St. Francis/wolf story. Thanks for explaining this! Now I want to watch the film again...


Just my take on it really. I've no idea if that's what the Director was aiming for. It's a good film though.
