Viewing Failure because moviemaking makes no sense
I tried to watch this, but it hits me in the face with a handful of the things I hate the MOST in movies.
01) Switching languages, only ONE of which is subtitled. I can't switch between 'reading english while listening to chinese' to 'listening to chinese accent english' and then immediately back to 'reading english' so rapidly!
Reading and listening are two different things, the viewer needs time to adjust! It's fine if it's japanese, because it's easy enough to understand both languages and japanese english accent, even if it's katakana english, is clearer.
But this is like trying to watch one thing while switching to listening to a completely different thing and then back to watching WITHOUT WARNING.
At least subtitle the english, too, if you are going to rapidly switch back and forth constantly like that WITHOUT ANY REASON,too! What the F?! WHY?!
02) Unnecessary gimmicks. Why the 'mirror' thing? It makes no sense and only serves to create the reaction of 'come on, get on with it' in the viewer. Just because it might be explained later, doesn't mean it manages to pull you into the story as a viewer.
03) Ugly, old, wrinkly people shot way too close for comfort.
A human being naturally and organically shies away from anything repulsive, ugly, poisonous, cancerous and so on. Ugly, old, wrinkly people are not things people generally gladly look at for extended periods of up close. I know Michelle Yeoh is a legendary actor, but I don't want to see a wrinkly version of her up close for minutes.
04) A weak, nerdy guy not getting to the point, but harassing someone who is clearly BUSY, trying to do the 'let's talk'-routine. It's like someone calling someone's NAME instead of shouting the ACTUAL TALKING POINT to them. 'I was sent by Eric', 'You will die in that helicopter', 'I am pregnant', 'I love you and oracle told me I would fall in love with The One'? No, instead, it's 'Charmin!', 'Lucy!', 'We need to talk!', 'I want to say something!', 'I want to tell you something but I don't know what it could mean if I do'..
Like, shut up and scream the point already! Don't say 'we should talk', but just say 'What is this divorce BS!?" instead. What's wrong with you?
Also, this 'busy vs. weakling'-scene is SO overplayed and annoying, I can't understand why they keep doing this in stories. Someone is busy and irritable, and some annoying nerd keeps pestering them without saying anything meaningful, so in effect, becomes a bug buzzing around. Sheesh!
05) Stupid horror music without anything particularly interesting happening
06) Unexplained things that keep going on and on
07) Deviance (What? This word simply means you deviate from the 'norma') shown as 'normal' (that haircut is already absurd, let alone the action that we're forced to witness, that Bill Burr almost vomited about and for a very good, natural, organic reason, but yet, we have to just watch it like it's normal! Whatever you do in privacy is none of my business, but I don't want to SEE it, for crying out loud!)
08) Ugliness, dirt, dystopian-looking stuff, more old, ugly, wrinkly people...
..just.. why?
I can't watch something that hits me with so many repulsions in such a short time. A movie is supposed to pull you in by showing you something delightful, fun, interesting, exciting, or even mysterious. Old people doing taxes while swapping languages while thinking noodles are important (groan, talk about stereotypes) and basically EVERYTHING this thing does, is NOT going to pull me in.
It's not interesting, it's not visually pleasing, it's not delightful, exciting, etc.
Movies are supposed to be ESCAPISM from the gritty, cruel, horrible reality that is this planet's everyday world. They are not supposed to DIVE IN DEEPER into the misery and horror of what this world is and does to people, and the worst parts of the wretchedness of this crappy planet.
I only saw a few minutes, and already it depressed me beyond belief. I don't think I could stomach more. I did skip a bit to glance through to see if it gets better, prettier, more interesting, but all I saw was horrible close-ups of absolutely disgusting things, so what the F is this and why do people praise it?
I don't know, maybe I will try to see some 'everything wrong' or 'honest trailers' or whatever version of this to see if it has any merit, but so far, any old Jackie Chan movie beats this stuff so easily, it's mind-boggling.
It makes no sense to make movies this way, so that it's impossible to even get through watching it... my attempt to view this was a failure.