Happened to watch this movie and tbh it's not really all that great. I don't think this movie is Oscar worthy.
Personally I've found that movies I like don't win Oscars now but it is some foreign or low budget indie rubbish that no one remembers.
In the 80s and 90s and early 2000s I've found that I watched many Oscar winners because they were genuinely good. But now in last 10y I watched only 2. Prior to this I watched most of them. Personally my list has Top Gun Moverick beating this since that is what Oscars means to me - best movie of the year.
Coming to this movie, I found it interesting sci-fi but it was basically all over and made very little sense tbh. I thought maybe the lead was schizophrenic and it will end with her in the bed and the daughter holding her hand and her imagining all this and eventually coming back to reality and accepting things about her daughter.
Would have made it much better tbh.
Michelle Yeohs acting is very good as was the Waymond and Jamie Lee Curtis acting but tbh not Oscar winning but nominating.
I couldn't care less about diversity or all that and just want best things to win regardless of the metadata around them such as ethnicity , skin color etc. I don't care about these attributes and if they are good they are good regardless of this being a consideration (Asian people never won etc. Let's celebrate RRR winning best song because we overcame American racism etc type bs. I'm on a rant now but yeah, it is the same America that gave the award so how is it overcoming anything when it's being celebrated here by all? How many American movies or actors or actresses won best movie in India and Chinese movie awards? Aren't they racist for not nominating our movies there?)
Anyways, I feel this movie is overhyped and not all that great.
On side note (not related to this movie)
I'm just tuned out of oscars now because foreign movies win all awards as if American movies are crap and worthless and it's not even fair because movies like Parasite wins best foreign films(where American movies can't even compete) and best movie. Oscars started about American movies. If you don't do that then what's the award category that celebrates our movies? Fine to have best foreign movie but need our own movies given how other countries do the same (and you can't give the excuse that say it's movies that ran in theaters here because American movies also run in other countries but don't get even considered for their local awards)
I'd rate it a 6/10 and surely not an Oscar winner for most wins it got.