Raven said rename the team to X-women
Ok. So after the astronaut save raven says to Charles "women do everything around here. You should rename the team to X-Women".
Wow. Wtf what that. Man means mankind as such which is men and women.
And that was cringe and out of place and just made me want to groan and recoil in shock. We never say things like men are only needed and women are useless etc.
The ferocity and animosity was not needed neither was that bitchy attitude.
Imo it totally removed all fun from the movie instantly for me. Look at Lord Of The Rings: The Return Of The King where Eowyn struggles against the Nazgul king when he says "you fool. No man can kill me" and she says "I am no man" and stabs him and he dies as she falls back injured. Now all of us enjoyed that. Because it was not hateful against men nor felt like she was putting down men or such. She got the job done without calling men useless and just showed the Nazgul that women are here in battle and can get job done.
You can elevate yourself one of two ways : pulling yourself up or pulling someone else down.
Eowyn pulled herself up while Raven pulled men down to appear stronger.
We have lost the art of proper teamwoek and good story telling.
To me it destroyed the movie and now I have zero interest in what happens next because clearly the men in X-men are useless and only women are needed there.