I want to like this show.
It's done by David Shore, the inventor of House, one of my all time faves, and Freddie Highmore does a good job.
Tonight's premier was not bad, but had some ridiculous moments, such as the board approving him without a second vote, after he gives his "my bunny went to heaven" speech. PUH-lease! Give me a break here.
Also they need to tone down the dramatic music. Way down. I could be wrong, but I don't remember Shore leaning on this crutch in House.
I'm also worried it could become, in the words of Critic Jerome Wetzel: "a formulaic, feel good Disney film (it is on ABC) about overcoming adversity, with the struggle simplified to a sugar-coated nutritionally-lacking, tasty, but unsatisfying snack."
Bottom Line: The beginning was a bit shaky, but perhaps it will get better. I will continue to watch for now.
"Fruitcake anyone?"