Worst of the Franchise
People normally say Genysis is the worst and while it is bad at least that movie tried to do something new. Dark Fate is by far the worst movie.
- The story is just a gender swapped version of Terminator 2 but instead of John Connor we get a mexican teenage girl who is a boring character and the actress is terrible
- Killing John Conner in the opening scene making the previous films pointless
- James Cameron comes back and offers nothing of value and just repeats the same stuff he did 30 years ago.
- Arnold comes back but doesn't show up until halfway through the movie and when he finally does they don't give him anything to do
- They tried to hype up how it was going to be Rated R again but the violence was no worse than a PG-13 except for maybe one scene. You could almost argue Salvation was more violent
- Forced femenist and pro-immigration themes that felt completely out of place
- Generic action scenes that are nowhere on par with the previous films
As much as I love 1 and 2, I'm really glad this movie was a financial flop and hopefully killed the franchise so we don't have to get anymore crappy and unneeded sequels in this franchise that has been a dumpster fire for the past 15 years.