Dark Fate or Blade Runner 2049?
Both were pretty much attempting the same (if you ignore T345 like DF did): a decades long belated sequel to an all time classic SF cyborg movie with a supporting role for the original lead actor (and starring Mackenzie Davis).
also both ended up with around the same box office - $260m worldwide (although BR2 did 90m domestic over DF 60m despite having a similar opening wkend)
Of course BR2049 was far more positively received than T:DF (not that you can really trust politically charged film reviews these days but its pretty obvious BR2 was kind of awesome and T:DF was kind of meh)
Yet now it just seems its barely remembered that there was a decent sequel to the legendary Blade Runner.. like the way (another) subpar Terminator will soon be lost..in time.. like tears in rain..