Fellow Users

Did you notice the option to ignore individual posters? I mention this because I've recently started blocking the whiney little sad people who get so upset when :-
* Someone has the audacity to make a movie where the hero is a woman
* Where the cast it not heteronormative
* Where people of colour appear in roles traditionally occupied by pale skinned people
* Where (insert irrational irritation of particular stupidity) ...
I'm hoping this will eventually mean I only see genuinely interesting or informed or amusing posts. Not necessarily ones I always agree with - cos that would be boring - but at least filtering out some of the insanity of our times.






you got a problem with people that are pale?
Apparently you do, since you used the derogatory term pale skinned people.

racist pieces of shit should not be allowed here on moviechat.

screenshotted and reported


"heteronormative" is not a word. It's just "normal".
More stupid non-words: non binary, cis gender, trans phobia.
I hope you found this genuinely interesting!


The ignore button is for the weak, snowflake.


Yes, it does not prevent people from writing behind your back.





