MovieChat Forums > Terminator: Dark Fate (2019) Discussion > Its bombing because of the patriarchy, s...

Its bombing because of the patriarchy, simple as that!!!!

Its bombing because of the patriarchy, simple as that. Its the internal misogynistic attitudes ingrained into our society.

WE........!!!!!!! Must fight back and all go to see this movie to show our support AGINST the patriarchy. To show you are not a sexist, asshole, INCEL who lives in their parents basement!

You are literally RAPING the movie studio execs by not going to see this movie!

We all HATE women, its a simple fact. Even women themselves are brainwashed by white CIS males to hate each other and bring them down.

For all of the white men, I speak out and I am ashamed for my behaviour and will send all my money to the studio execs bank account because of my internal white, CIS privelage which holds women down with hate because I have never, ever kissed a girl or had sex with one and live in my parents basement and am an angry INCEL who will shoot up a movie theater because of video games, anime and 4CHAN.



You'll love atomicgirl.


Expect a few embittered, bored feminazis to make it so


I expect to be "cancelled" real soon because I didnt pay good money to see a film I was not interested in.


They should have brought back Reese as a Force Ghost.


