I've usually attributed it to the current generation of young people, but then I realised that it's Generation-X'ers close to my age who are writing this material and going woke! People like JJ Abrams, Benioff and Weiss, Rian Johnson and so on! What happened to them? Did they become infected by bad thoughts?
Statistically it's just not possible everybody in Hollywood is brainwashed into the same cult mind of thinking. The entire thing is facade. Selling their souls and draining the country down the tubes.
The best explanation is that it's groupthink. Once upon a time, Hollywood had true diversity of opinion. You had liberal movie stars like Henry Fonda, Humphrey Bogart, Gregory Peck, at al. and you had conservative movie stars like Clark Gable, Jimmy Stewart, John Wayne, et al. The same, I am sure, was true of behind-the-camera talent. Those days are over. The only people who can afford to be openly conservative in their ideology are those who have already made it big. Everyone is far-left liberal in the entertainment industry these days, or if they aren't, they keep their heads down and their mouths shut for fear of not getting work. The result is that these woke idiots live in a leftist bubble where they simply don't ever hear what most people in the country still think, and they are disconnected from reality. They think the nonstop leftism bouncing around the walls of their echo chamber is mainstream in the rest of society, and of course, it's not.
I am reminded of what Evan Sayet observed about Bill Maher, whom he used to write for. When Maher's show was filmed in New York City, he was more center-left and not so far left. It's not that the entertainment industry is less dominated by "progressives" in NYC, it's just that NYC is a densely populated city and you inevitably end up rubbing against all kinds of ordnary people. Walking down the streets, taking taxis, taking lunch in small, local eateries, getting into elevators with people, etc. etc. When Maher and his show relocated to Los Angeles, that all changed, and he veered way over to the left. In LA, everything is spread out, nobody walks anywhere, people get around by car, and are driven from their homes to the places they work where they get right out and go into a building full of like-minded entertainment industry people. They never get outside their bubble, and so, they mistake progressive groupthink for mainstream opinion.
It's not just Hollywood that lives in a bubble - it unfortunately happens in everyday life. I'm a conservative, but I have several liberal friends and I try to at least listen to what they say. I think it's healthy to be around people who have different points of view, but I have family members who are much more conservative than I am and have a very narrow point of view. My guess is they don't even know anyone who is slightly liberal. It happens on both sides of the fence.
(Reply split into two parts because of limits on post-length)
It happens on both sides of the fence, but it's far worse on the left. There have been studies done about this (https://fortune.com/2016/12/19/social-media-election/) (https://fortune.com/2016/12/19/social-media-election/) and the they indicate that liberals are significantly more likely to unfriend people on social media, or even break off contact with friends and even family members over political differences. Simply put, they are fundamentally far more judgmental and intolerant of opposing views.
And it's been like this for literally hundreds of years. Conservative/right-leaning people have historically tended to be far more charitable toward their political opponents than those on the left. In the late 18th century (when got the terms left and right from the French Revolution). William Godwin (father of Mary Shelley) wrote an essay on the perfectibility of human society, prompting a response from Thomas Malthus, and the two got into a back and forth about politics, society, and so on. Malthus thought Godwin a very talented and intelligent man, but dead wrong in his beliefs and his presumptions. Godwin, for his part, questioned Malthus' very humanity.
This is a common sight: disagree with an ardent leftist, and he regards you as a moral defective. If you wonder why this is, I think Thomas Sowell put his finger on it in his book A Conflict of Visions. (This is, admittedly, an oversimplification, as no one's beliefs ever fit perfectly into neat little categories, but in broad outline, I think it's basically accurate.)
In broad terms, people have a vision of the world that fits into either of two basic categories, and Sowell calls them the constrained and the unconstrained visions of human nature. In the constrained vision (which is what most conservatives tend towards), man is seen as inherently limited and flawed in his nature; motivated primarily by self-interest; with limited knowledge and prone to errors of judgment and emotional thinking -- all of this regardless of his best intentions. Having this view, those with the constrained vision natually prefer the systematic processes of the rule of law and experience of generations (i.e. tradition). Compromise is essential because there are no ideal solutions, only trade-offs.
Those with the unconstrained vision, OTOH, lean heavily toward the belief that human nature is essentially good, and most of the ills of the world arise from bad or corrupted institutions or interests. They believe mankind, and society, are far closer to being "perfectible," and are impatient with large institutions and systemic processes that constrain human action. They believe there is an at least close to ideal solution for almost every problem, if you can just figure out what it is and implement it properly.
Now, if you hold the constrained vision, you expect people to be wrong a lot, prone to wishful thinking, wrongheaded in their assumptions, etc.; so when you think you're opponents are, there's no need to look for ill intent to explain any of it. On the other hand, if you believe man is anywhere close to "perfectible" and it's just a matter of finding the right solutions, then the existence of people opposed to what you see as those solutions is far more difficult to explain without resorting to accusations of stupidity, greed, selfishness, vested interest, or even outright malice.
So, people on the left tend, far more often, to negatively judge those who disagree with them than people on the right, and their behavior certainly reflects it -- and why they're far more prone to get into bubbles of groupthink.
Well it's the far right and the far left who of course are the most intolerant and cause 90% of the problems, but I think the majority of America is either center right or center left and probably have more common ground than not - at least I hope so or the crazies on the far left will win and then it's all over for most of us.
It really is some kind of mind virus, like religion but on the opposite side of the spectrum in terms of beliefs. This thing where facts are irrelevant, with an intolerance toward those who aren't true believers. And how the weak-minded are prone to its influence through groupthink.
It almost seems like some atheists weren't satisfied with being atheists, they had to go and create their own batshit religion based on these twisted and extreme political beliefs.
No they are following orders given by the elites. Who else do you think owns Hollywood, the biggest propaganda machine on earth?
All this left, right, buzzword and ism nonsense is a game concocted by the Elitist but yet its being played by the public. That's their goal: to divide and conquer.
Sure, this might sound like nonsense but do research and you'll see how fucked up Western society has been since before world war 1 and it's all been planned. Everything is a game. Just don't play it.
Everybody loves or hates Trump: the latest global puppet placed in "power" by the Elites. Most US presidents, if not every, bar JFK, have been put there in power by elitists.
Most Western countries are actually corrupted like this. That's why living in the East now has made me realise how pathetic the west looks in comparison. Everybody always squabbling in the West about "SJW" or trump or using buzzwords like "incels" etc and they bitch about why movies are pandering to the small but determined minority. Its because movies are a way to spread a message to the small minority to strengthen their cause. And what do the elites get out of using movies for propaganda? Division. Division amongst civilians.
Division has always been a theme to make money off our backs. Just look at the real history of wars since the 1900s and you'll see what I mean.
All for profit.