Franklin's "Like a baby" the cop?
The cop is telling him that the neighborhood is going to shit, that Franklin knows it, and asks how Franklin is sleeping at night, right?
Firstly, Franklin's smiling answer, "Like a baybeee" was pretty shitty, and just like that, had me thinking he deserves whatever punishment awaits him when he gets taken down. Like a baby, Franklin? Really dude?
Secondly, its weird having that reaction while also believing that Franklin's response was completely out of character for the guy. He's not just NOT a bad guy, he's shown that he's got a good head on his shoulders...and he chose an antagonistic response when speaking with a cop that's gunning for him?
Nah, he's shown himself to be way too smart for that. Because with that response, and the drawn-out, smiling way he said it, he might as well have come out and called the cop a pussy-ass-bitch and triple-dog dared him to try and arrest him on something, just try it, clownboy.
What a strange scene that I can't quite get out of my head. It just...doesn't fit somehow. What were they trying to do with it, you think? Lessen our sympathy for Franklin?