Brilliant movie that covers the spectrum of Western movies...
No so much self contained stories or tales, but a series of compelling vignettes. Some amount to almost non sequiturs.
Tim Blake's Scuggs was hilarious with his non-stop fourth wall-breaking monologue-ing as he cheerfully goes about killing assorted roughnecks through the Wild West in sometimes creative ways. The ending was too surreal for me and the only part that took some of the fun away from it.
Near Algodones featured some great cinematography. The opening scene was reminiscent of a Spaghetti western. Anyone else think of Eli Wallach's Tuco as they watched this?
Meal Ticket. Man, was this one bleak story! Even the setting... wind blown mountain towns in winter... contributed to the depressing atmosphere. But that one scene with the prostitute as Liam Neeson looks over at the limbless man before he's about to get laid... I guessed what was coming before it actually happened and could not stop laughing for minutes.
All Gold Canyon. This was the least interesting for me, although I got the message of the segment. Untouched nature, man shows up, violence is visited upon the once peaceful landscapes... I was distracted by the CGI... the landscape, the deer, etc. I found the story otherwise meh.
The Mortal Remains. This was less of a Western than an episode of that old Alfred Hitchcock Presents series with its supernatural overtones. Creepy and it had some great imagery too.
The Gal Who Got Rattled was the one that was purest to a classic Western to my mind. It kind of reminded me of that old movie How the West Was Won but with a downer of an ending.
Great movie...