Is this Coen Brothers' fans only

What I mean is that I like some of their movies, but find others to be too "Coenish" for me. This looks like it may be in the more OBWAT and Hail, Caesar mold as opposed to NCFOM or Fargo mold.


Some of the segments are 'Coenish' and others aren't,there's a little 'hail Caesar' in the first one but it gets much darker after that.


I have enjoyed this movie, but I'm a Coen fan.

In my opinion it's clearly more A Serious Man and Hail, Caesar than No Country For Old Men.


good call. and any way, no country for old men came straight off the novel.


what would you say differentiates a coen bros fan from a non fan?

just curious, if you have any ideas about that....
