Concerned Citizen

After watching this sometimes painful documentary, I joined the National Center for Science Education. We can't let these fundamentalists impose their wildly inaccurate 'beliefs' in the classroom. It's criminal, in my opinion, to disseminate factually incorrect conclusions (age of the planet, dinosaurs and humans living harmoniously together) and call it truth. I feel sooo bad for children whose futures are being short-changed by this nonsense.


I totally agree with you, I think that it’s immoral to lie to children this way. I Went to a fundamentalist evangelical elementary school and this misinformation was drilled into my head on a daily basis. I was taught that evolution was the Devil’s lies, that became a component of my turn to atheism as an adult. I had to learn science for the first time on my own because everything I had been told was religious based fiction.


Well I'm glad that you were able to move beyond that indoctrination. I just worry about the kids, and the future of our society, if the blurring lines between church and state continue to erode.


People like you ought to consider suing the school, church, and parents and I'm not kidding.

it's a weird form of abuse.


If either of my children had been exposed to education such as the creationists impose, I would have been outspoken and sure, pursued legal action. Luckily, that wasn't an issue in their schools.


I realise that religious issues are still widely taught but it staggers belief that there are schools in the modern world which teach that evolution is a lie. A school is not a church, whatever the beliefs of those running it, and to use the classroom as a place to indoctrinate children in this way is wrong on so many levels.

While the idea of this documentary is intriguing, I just know that watching it would make me angry and sad. I made the mistake a few months back of watching a doc about flat earth believers but this issue is much more dangerous.


When I was born 6000 years ago, dinos did run wild! Problem was they kept eating the nice fury creatures. So when God told Noah to build that ark and fill it with animals, he said NO dinos. Wonder why the Jews left that out?
