No Heroes In This.

It sucks what happened to Joel but in a way he had it coming, but not that he deserved it. LOL if that even makes sense. Joel didn’t mean to kill Abby’s dad & slaughter everyone, it just happened, meaning it wasn’t premeditated. After he found out the Marlene & the Fireflies double crossed him & an unwitting Ellie who didn’t know what they had planned you can’t blame him. Abby’s father could’ve gotten out alive but he put himself in front of a armed man & told him he wouldn’t let him take his surrogate daughter when it was known he fully intended to have to kill her in hopes for a cure, I mean what you YOU do? On Ellie’s part it was worse because she didn’t know what they had concluded, that the surgery & what they needed to do was going to kill her, even when she was put under she didn’t know that. Talk about unhonorable, about not giving her the choice.

Didn’t like the fact that Abby still sought revenge after many years after, especially after she ran into Joel & he saved her, that was cold. Mel was right, she was a POS. So Abby goes for revenge then Ellie goes for revenge where she DOES get carried away by killing everybody & Abby gets mad again & goes for revenge yet again. Then after a bloody fight where Ellie held her own against a bigger & stronger woman which is kinda unrealistic but ok. Well Abby after getting the upper hand at last decides to let them live per Lev’s wishes again & leaves.

Ellie for some out there reason decides she can’t be at peace with this & goes after Abby yet again. Geez! You got all of this? Because I sure didn’t. You would think Abby with Lev, after what she experienced would be somewhat different but Mel was right she still WAS a POS to have dragged the kid to finish off Ellie and all of her friends. You know after she was finished killing off her old comrades & all. No one deserved revenge for that I’m sure. Talk about the pot calling the kettle black.

Then there’s Tommy who even when his brother was murdered didn’t want to go after anybody he wanted to drop it. He only went because he “didn’t” want Ellie to go after Abby. He lied saying “Ok, we’ll go” but then left & ordered that Ellie even be locked up to keep her from going. It doesn’t’ make sense that later on he is the one who wants to go after Abby at all costs & even gets into Ellie’s face about her promising they would both go after her if they found her. Talk about a complete about face.

Then there’s the end, Abby & Lev are searching for the Fireflies to reunite with them. Excuse me? Come again? Why in the HELL would you want to do THAT for? You’re lucky enough to escape from the WLF, now that you have your freedom & are factionless, you want to rejoin these crazies? That just doesn’t make ANY sense. You’re better off on your own with Lev, you couldn’t have the freedom they did by rejoing those guys.

If you buy all of this then God bless ya because I don’t but no one is “good” in this. Every single one of them had it coming except maybe Dina. But you all may have differing opinions.


This is still more believable than the fact that so many supposed adults have been shelling out billions on superhero and Star Wars flicks since '16, rather than laying off that shit after Avengers I. And not throwing any pesos or rupi towards Lucas Films, after the disgrace that was Episode I


The Last Of Us 2 is an abysmal insult to the first game.

At least Ellie beat the crap out of Abby at the end.
