A compelling thought provoking film that was very flawed - Spoilers
I always appreciate a film that makes you think about it's interpretations and I would concede A Ghost Story certainly did that, but in the end there were enough flaws to keep it from being a great film. I'm glad I watched it but I don't know if I'd recommend it to too many people. Certainly, the many people with the attention span of a 4 year old will struggle with the slowness of the film. I personally struggled with the "actors", if you want to call what Casey Affleck and Rooney Mara did acting. I like Affleck, but standing there for 80% of the film under a sheet would be "underutilizing" his talents to say the least. As for Mara, I just don't get why she gets roles like this. She was her typical lifeless, stoic self with the same expression and tone to her voice throughout.
I know this is open to interpretation, but I'm wondering what everyone thought about the 2nd ghost in the other house. What prompted that ghost to suddenly disappear? I get that Affleck's sheet finally got the note and I assume opened the gate back up to Heaven (which he chose to ignore the day at the morgue), but what about the other ghost? There was no dramatic act or discovery that I saw?
In the end, I give this one 3 out of 5 stars. :-)