I'm so excited

Loved the book, what does everyone expect? Do you think it will be mostly God's Promise? It would have to be pretty long to fit in everything from the book. I hope we see some of Irene and I really hope Coley is a big part


Reading the book now (because of the movie announcement) and I'm very excited as well! I assume it will pick up soon before God's Promise, likely not going into her childhood years. It's a lot to fit into a movie, so unless they do flashbacks I don't see how they could make it fit. Coley is obviously a huge part of Cameron's story, so I'm sure she'll play a major part.

The casting of Lindsey is definitely not who I would expect.


I bought the book after seen the film and damn they left out like 60% of it mostly to do with Cameron pre God Promise stuff that the film only deals with. Like her having relationships with other young teenage girls, her parents dying, her Aunt plays a way bigger part as does Coley (played in the film by Quinn Shepard). You'd be shocked if you read the book to see how much the film left out.

I definitely think you could make a really strong 8 part mini series on the book and it would feel totally different to the film. I think the film is really good but after reading the book you definitely feel it was a missed opportunity. You could have tacked on another 45 minutes dealing with Cameron's life leading up to God Promise and I think it would have made the film a lot stronger.
