For a brand new American TV Show you'd think the message board would be poppin to the point that it continues from 10 pages onwards. People, don't be scared of the Scientologists, speak against Scientology if you want to, all they can do is be verbally abusive and you can just put them on your ignore list.
Its the highest viewers debut show ever on A&E. So doubt its the lack of interest. Think its just odd name of the show and people actually don't know the name of the show. When I first typed it into IMDB, it wasn't even an option. Had to go to Leah Remini's personal page to find it. They fixed it but first week or so, it was hard to find.
There are much better documentaries about Scientology than this series. Going Clear is one.
I suppose I should feel sorry for these people who finally came to their senses. But some have dragged their children into it. Now they cry about losing their kids to Scientology. It makes me angry that folks get into some crackpot cult, get their entire family involved, then cry on tv when their family is torn apart because of it.
Nothing but admiration for Katie Holmes, who got herself out along with her daughter, then kept her mouth shut. If Leah Remini wants to build a career bashing Scientology, fine. I've heard it all already.
I fail to see how anyone could not empathize with these people after hearing their stories. They didn't give birth to their children and raise them in the religion with the blase attitude that they might leave one day and shrug their shoulders about the possibility of losing those children they raised to be believers. They SINCERELY believed they were doing the best thing for themselves, their families, and the world by being involved with this religion! Did you not hear what the woman on last night's episode said? She said that she never expected to be declared an "evil person." No one expects that when they're trying to be good people and are brainwashed into thinking that the only way to do that is to be part of this religion.
As far as Katie Holmes verses Leah Remini: I applaud BOTH women for having the courage and strength to leave such a controlling religion. They each have to handle their departures in a way that best suits their personality. Leah is a fighter, so I'm not surprised that this is her path. I'm so happy that she's chosen this way of helping others to see the evils of Scientology.
I don't even know what there is to say. I just find myself shaking my head in disbelief while watching, smiling when I see people put "church" in quotation marks where it belongs...and posting "Yeah, me too" to the posts here. I don't have anything meaningful to contribute (obviously). I'm only responding here to make clear that, no, I'm not scared to speak against a cult.
EmpressOfGlasgow: I really like what you just pointed out, i agree with everything you just said, i also think it's pointless when people reply with "Yeah, me too", when i get replies like that on some of my other posts it always annoys the hell out of me because those type of comments are not necessary. I thought more people might have more to say though on this board, but like you said - many may not have anything to say about this topic.