A fascinating documentary series.

Documentaries like this gives Scientologists hope that they don't have to stay in that cult, they can leave at any time, no one should fear another person regardless if they intimidate you. The former Scientology members are proof that current Scientologists CAN get out, if they have nowhere to go there are homeless shelters, there are Christian organisations that can help them get back on their feet. Scientology is NOT the truth! It deceives people with empty philosophies. And what better way to know that by listening to ex-Scientologists, they've actually experienced being a part of that cult, they know what they are talking about.

Even if this documentary series only helps 1 person get out of Scientology, it's worth it.


Except the ones that are in the deepest will probably never get to see it!

And, the ones who want out but don't want to lose their families - everyone on this doc so far except for Leah has lost their family!


She has explained how it's not easy to leave. You make it sound like an simple and clear choice to go and be homeless with no friends, no family and in many cases absolutely no education or job skills in the real world. Cults are designed to keep people in, its not a happy accident that many people don't leave.
