Help for people who have left?

I have to wonder if there are organizations for people who have left who don't have anyone on "the outside", any money, anywhere to go, skills, any skills, and that kind of thing that can help and support to get adjusted to the "real world"? Is there a support group for them? Is there a network for people who might want to escape and they maybe meet them somewhere to help them escape and start over? Kind of like when you see the group of people who are helping people who are leaving groups like the FLDS....


There is a website I know of for support. Jenna Miscavige Hill the niece of David Miscavige has reached out to help those who have left. Her and her husband escaped and she wrote a great book about it. There is a website called Ex-Scientology kids. It's geared towards those who grew up in it. Another site called Leaving Scientology talks more about how to do it. I really wouldn't think it would be safe to publish online about groups that help you get out. But I wouldn't be surprised if there are hidden underground groups. One biography I read hinted about it. Remember Scientology has eyes and ears everywhere. It's frightening and it takes guts to leave.


Reading this made think, Imagine saying this about an ex catholic, evangelic, adventist, etc.

"Is there anyone willing to help those catholics to adjust to the world after leaving the church?"

Just think about it, how is this a religion? How can this be allowed? Is not normal! Is not right, is not logical!

It's absurd.
