It would have been so much cooler if they'd had Vercingetorix and company speaking in ancient Gaulish (Celtic), or some reasonable facsimile.
It would have added some color, authenticity. The Romans tore town quite a culture, stole a lot of loot - hardly fair to just show the Gauls as long haired savages.
I've haven't seen this series, but would like to add that the Gauls played a big role in the Roman invasion of the British Isles and a good chunk of the armed forces in the Roman empire. I agree, they deserve accurate historical treatment and not be treated as caricatures of what a popular image of them might be.
its entirely rome centric. the other regions/countries are just colorful names to serve as a backdrop to the roman romance.
i, in contrast to some others, very much appreciated the historiians dropping in for context. but all that, again, was inside baseball on the roman situation, nothing else.
one other aspect i appreciated was a full quiver of shapely comely women, most expecially cleo.
Roman women had a high degree of freedom, including what they wore, for their time compared to other lands outside their realm, I concur. Very seductive, hint, hint, wink, wink. Roman culture had been around for so long, they did bad and good alike, making it easy to overlook smaller details of the inhabitants. I have renewed interest in historical romps. Thanks for pointing this series out.
Yet keep in mind that compared to the Romans, the rest of the world were savages.
Rome was the most advanced state. All other "nations" were nothing more than patchwork confederations of tribes who often warred against each other. Rome had administration, coinage, superbly engineered roads, aqueducts, public baths, advanced education and arts, law, organized government (Senate), plus a highly trained military. To them, people living inside thatched huts or in fields did appear less equal. To a Roman, all the world outside Rome was barbaric, backwards.
The romans excelled mainly at engineering, greed, military prowess, administration, scale-out. Most of their artistic, technological & intellectual traditions generally were taken directly from the greeks & elaborated. to their partial credit.
the carthaginians, who were obliterated, also had a high culture, about which we now know very little. the gauls, though more on the feudal/tribal line, had their own high art tradition -not- lifted from the greeks, as did the britons and germanic tribes.
we (like most of the romans) tend to focus exclusively on the conqueror. that's only a small part of the whole story.
I don't disagree. I was mainly commenting on how Romans viewed their neighbors. From a purely Roman perspective, these neighbors were barbarians. We know that Vikings and Northern Germanic tribes had culture, they just weren't where the Romans where in a lot of categories.
Oh and I think this season that focuses on Caesar and the Gaul campaign, is much more intriguing than the season about Commodious.