Inexplicable random inconsistencies done intentionally to confuse?
So we have Michael Sheen and Mark Lewis Jones chasing Higgins and Stevens through the woods when Higgins ducks into the wooden shack before getting his guts blown out by the man with the string mask bound around his face.
Then with Stevens hidden in the shack, Sheen and Jones catch up. Jones clearly takes aim at the rope headed man and shoots, demonstrably showing us this supernatural killer zombie is invincible to bullets. (But hey, later we learn it can be physically overpowered and its neck snapped by getting a hook lodged in its mask. Who would have thought bulletproof zombies were so vulnerable? But I digress.)
But what was the point of Jones trying to shoot the zombie? This zealot was supposed to be 2nd in command on that island and claims later to have been the one to discover the secret of feeding sacrifices to the female deity. He knew the creature couldn't be killed that way as the fact the bullet did nothing to the zombie didn't seem to phase him in the least before he turns the gun on Michael Sheen.
I hate contrived plot points like this that make absolutely no sense. So was this the way writers were trying to show us this thing was an undead zombie and not a human? By making the main antagonist pointlessly try to shoot it for absolutely no reason?