Do people actually think that real ethnic germanic people are the people who wrote grimm's collected fairy tales? If you look at modern day writers, most all of them are ethnic celtic people or jewish people. Modern germanic people are not the writers of western literature so germanic people were probably not the people who wrote fairy tales. Both jews and celts would have been around the areas were the Grimm brothers collected the fairy tales. I have read that most of Grimm's collected fairy tales were from a french woman who was an ethnic celtic woman.
Did the Grimm brothers even collect one fairy tale from their germanic parents or germanc grand parents?
Did germanic parents or germanic grand parents even tell their kids or grand kids fairy tales before the Grimm's collected fairy tales was printed?
"Modern germanic people are not the writers of western literature so germanic people were probably not the people who wrote fairy tales."
Do you even know anything about the subject? Fairy tales were mostly an oral tradition and hardly anybody wrote them down until the 19th century. The Grimm brothers were actually among the first to do so. And Germanic writers were actually EXTREMELY popular around that time.
"I have read that most of Grimm's collected fairy tales were from a french woman who was an ethnic celtic woman."
Not correct. Dorothea Viehmann and Marie Hassenpflug were only two of several women and other fairy tale collectors who provided stories to the Grimm brothers and they were German women of Huguenot extraction. Some of their stories were of French origin (mostly Perrault), but Snow White is in fact a fairy tale of German origin. Even so, French is not Hispanic.
"Did germanic parents or germanic grand parents even tell their kids or grand kids fairy tales before the Grimm's collected fairy tales was printed?"
We were supposed to judge people by their character, not by a trivial, temporary bodily quality, such as 'color of a skin' or 'race' or whatnot.
What happened here? We do NOTHING but fixate on THAT EXACT THING nowadays, and judge people based on their skin color, and of course white skin bad, 'minority culture' good, and so on.
Wouldn't the quality of the writing matter more than the shade of the cover of the temporary physical-biological utility-mass that used a tool to get that story into a readable form?
That's why anything like 'black lives matter' is wrong.
Not to even get into the reality of 'a black life' (can't exist, since something as conceptual as 'life' can't have something as literal as a 'color' or 'shade', only figuratively, but then a 'black life' would resemble 'a dark life', and the sound of that..?), or even 'black people' (when you think about it, even black skin is extremely rare, it's usually a shade of brown at best, but even then, skin doesn't dictate the color of the WHOLE BEING, it's only a cover of a muscle/bone/vein/organ mass, etc. and those are of various colors, but when you think even deeper, you realize we're energy, we're souls, so how could a body, no matter if it WAS 100% black (hard to find such a body), can't dictate the color of me, you, us, energy, etc..)
It should just be 'lives matter regardless of the temporary body they may or may not be housed in at the moment'.
Why would some lives matter more than others? I also don't like the use of the word 'matter', as it's so materialistic. It also seems to lack a point.. matter to what? In what way?
Shouldn't it rather be something like 'deserves to exist' or 'has the same value as everyone else' or 'is valuable to the Universe' or something along those lines?
I mean, even if you hate someone, they matter to you - just in a destructive or annoying way. 'Mattering' is too vague and neutral in this sense.
But the worst crime of that sentiment is, it goes against everything we were told about equality, and why it DOESN'T matter what someone's skin color is, their CHARACTER is what matters.
So shouldn't it just say 'Equality is good' or 'Everyone is valuable' or 'People's Character Matters' at least?
By elevating one group based on temporary body's qualities, you create a very dangerous thought. Think about someone living in a 'black body' (so to say), and being all about this whole 'blm' stuff. Then suddenly that body dies, this individual is reincarnated into a 'white body'. Now, it's the same, exact soul, but SUDDENLY they don't matter just because their body doesn't match the message anymore! WHy would anyone just stop mattering simply because they live in a different type of a body? It's insane.. it's like someone judging someone SOLELY based on what car they are inside of. If they step into another type of car, then suddenly they're celebrated? It MAKES NO SENSE!