If they were in England why were they NYC cops?
shareWhy are the signs all in German?
Silver sovereigns currency have never been currency in Britain. And if they had been, then one was probably worth about one week's wages around a hundred years ago or more
I was thinking the cost of a room could not be the same as the cost of a chocolate.
But you also noticed the signs were in German?
I guess its more a Swiss influenced version of Britain. The police can be also a fantasy version of early 1900 Swiss/German police (https://www.polizeinews.ch/wp-content/uploads/2023/12/wppi-image-polizei-news411185772_754569540038308_5712107941142636157_n-994x550.jpg).
Like the movie is just fairy tale and not the biopic about the founder of the Wonka Corp, which owns nowadays half the planet.