I liked the finale

They were the most interesting episodes so far. Has season 2 already been produced or will it be delayed because of C19?


From everything I've read, season 2 is mostly already filmed.

"Snowpiercer aired its first season finale on July 12, but the train is going to keep rolling on. Snowpiercer Season 2 has not only been confirmed, but the majority of it was already filmed before the show had to shut down production in March."



That's good to know. Season 3 is mentioned and I hope that doesn't happen - IMO, stories like this are best told in a limited number of episodes.


I agree. The environment is too limited for long term sustainability. Hopefully, they don't try to drag more out of it than it's useful for.


"The environment is too limited "
i dont thimk so , its all about thr politics nstuff.
just look at thr Battlestar Galactica reboot


BSG went downhill big time after the second seasob.


imagine being dumb enough to watch this show. the movie wasn't even good


imagine being dumb enough to watch this show. the movie wasn't even good

Imagine being dumb enough to post on a discussion board about a show you think is too dumb to even watch. And then being dumber enough to not even include a criticism of the show. Just "ur so dumb for watching this. Herp derp."


Lol retard


Lol retard

no u
