MovieChat Forums > Aladdin (2019) Discussion > Limp dick remake ruins the magic

Limp dick remake ruins the magic

So, Aladdin is one of the best cartoon movies ever made.
Anybody watching it will be captured by every single character in it and the magical arabian world they live their adventures in.

This flat remake goes through the motions but manages to screw up most of it: they changed a few things, all for the worse, starting with the genie story, the genie character, Jazmin role, Jafar, and even Aladdin's motivations and traits.
None of these new ideas work: they don't feel organic, nor inspired. All the new scenes don't add anything, infact they take away from the rhythm and pace and tone of the movie.
They feel forced, and look like the product of Disney executive meetings trying hard to make it more "modern" (read: inject some superficial SJW themes and rape into it songs that don't really go with the rest).
This is making money off the sole fact that the original is awesome: young generations that have never seen Aladdin in a cinema will enjoy it, but everything good in this one comes from the original. Anything new is subpar and ruins it.

This remake is as necessary and relevant as the sequels or the animated series.
Why ruin the magic?


But look at the 2 posts above you (now below). It made a billion that is all that matters to peope it seems.

Personally, i watched it yesterday, it was enjoyable enough for what it was but yes i do agree the original cartoon is far superior.

As long as the drones just keep turning up to watch anything Disney puts out then unfortunately they will just keep churning out similar stuff weather good or not.

Always remember Disney does not innovate it regurgitates. I'm gonna get that on a t-shirt lol


Yes Disney regurgitates a lot, it's a bulimic company, always has been.
It's the worst bulimic company ever!

But like you said, they are making a lot of money with this one (and many other less impressive remakes), they are a business so that's all that matters to them!
Their policy is "if it's not offensive to families and makes money, we'll do it!"
Real high quality artistic seal. Stanley Kubrick would be impressed by such standards...


Disney wasn't always like this. Walt would be upset if he saw what was happening to his empire today.
