Ugh... the thruple storyline is...
... dragging an already mediocre show down. Polygamy is illegal in most of the civilized world isn't it? So now they're putting a career SWAT officer, who already walks on egg shells and she feels she has to do more/better because she's the only women on the team, and they're going to have her explore polygamy/polyamory? It was bad enough they made the only woman on the team bisexual (because I guess she can't be in SWAT unless she's butch somehow), but now they're going to whittle down the self-esteem of her character further by making her a 3rd wheel.
It's like everybody is trying to out-Game-of-Thrones Game of Thrones on the get your rocks off scale. This kind of drek is a straight up crutch for horrible writing. They had a chance to showcase a capable SWAT officer who *happens* to be a female, and make her an icon in a #MeToo world, but they've cheapened her by saddling her with all this fresh-out-of-screenwriter-school-let's-be-edgy level story nonsense. I suspect she'll end up having some issues with being part of the thruple in that either the guy or girl ends up excluding one or the other, or more likely Chris will find out that he's cheating on them with some ratchet rando and have to tell the fiancee (who will not leave him because she's not strong enough to be on her own and Chris will break it off with them because she finally realizes she has enough self-respect to leave)... then she'll have a brush past with Street to rebound, but she'll push him away the next day saying 'We can't #becausework' and he'll begrudgingly accept that, and then we'll get the whole next half season where it's just awkward for the characters and more awkward for us to watch because it's all so cringey and gutter. And all the while, they'll sell her to us as 'oh she's a strong independent woman who always does what she wants'. You know what that makes her? Immature.
Frankly, all the character storylines are cliched and weak. The mission storylines are actually somewhat decent, but I'm pretty done at this point.