Good movie

This movie was a lot of fun to look at and to watch. Very good ending there twist ending there. This was the cadalac of twist endings


I don't know about the "Cadillac of twist endings". I was starting to think it might not be her.

My guess was that it was either (a) his work buddy, who was sick of being in his shadow and wanted him out of the way, or (b) his friend's girlfriend, who thought he was a sleaze bag and wanted revenge on him on behalf of all scorned women, something like that.

But the real culprit was better than either of those, I smacked my head for not guessing it!

So I agree, great twist.


Did you find this movie a lot of fun to look at and to watch ? I thought it was just good clean fun with a really great twist ending there. She was crazy


first time I watched it (a couple of years ago) I suspected it was his workmate too. It was finally on again here in the UK last night and I've gotta say it makes even more sense 2nd time around for it to be the guy from work.
(1) If he could gain remote access to his laptop then it stands to reason he could have done the same thing to his phone and so switched off his alarm on the morning of the big pitch, which his workmate benefits from greatly (while also sowing the first seed of paranoia in the lead that Riley is out to sabotage him, and this is also when everything starts going wrong for the main character)
(2) Why bother hacking the twitter page that he's the admin for? Surely being charged with possessing child porn would be enough for the workplace to cut ties with him anyway, and unless you worked with him it would take some digging to find out he's the admin for whatever page it is. So again, this would benefit the work buddy
(3) Knowing what was coming, I paid more attention last night to the bits when he's playing video games against the kid, and given they exchanges they'd already had, it's kinda hard to believe that his "body pillow" comment would have offended the kid so much as to resort to something so drastic.
Then again, neither would he. That's why. Maybe this was all done deliberately so that the guy at work would make a great decoy for anyone playing whodunit. It certainly got me. Bravo Bad Match. Bravo.
