The acid in the tub

Cmon now. Melting someone with acid isn't that seamless and easy. In fact it wouldn't do much but make the body a soft gooey mess. He would still have to drag it out of the house somehow risking getting that mess all over the house. Then having to clean up in time before everyone came home.


It's a movie. Stop being so serious. Shesh.


It reminded me of Eposode two of Brrakibg Bad. I think it was two...


Breaking Bad. Sorry for typos.


He could have just left that loser on the side of the road totally unnecessary.


I kept thinking it had to be one of his fantasies/dreams. I'm like, where the hell did he get two humongous jugs of acid seemingly overnight?? Or maybe not even overnight, in one day?? When it appeared that it really wasn't his dream and it was something he was really doing, I just went with it and decided, well, there goes trouble down the drain LOL!!!! I also kept thinking geez, I wonder if the drain leaked? Wouldn't all that acid eat away at the rubber gasket around the drain? πŸ€¦β€β™€οΈπŸ€¦β€β™€οΈπŸ˜†πŸ˜†
